Wednesday 6 August 2014

Raging...I get how road rage is causing deaths.

Good day Fellow Rockers, today's subject will be raging, as i have raged quite a bit today.

My raging morning started when my friend and I were on our way to work, just driving on the highway, in the fast lane, when we drive up behind this woman ( Fucking woman drivers, you know) driving under the speed of the highway, in the fast lane, so i sit behind her, giving her time to wake up or move over or just fucking something. But no, this psycho bitch just sit doing her speed, which is pissing me off to the extreme because there is a lane for slow-ass people who cannot drive so that the more experienced good drivers can pass your slow ass an move on to our destinations. With this, I blow up and pass the woman by going into the slow lane, making sure i slow down next to her to stare her down but she keep looking forward, as i pass her and move in front of her this creature of intense stupidity make her move, flashing her lights at me and throwing her hands up, and my inner serial killer pops up and smiles. I throw her the bird waiting for a response and she continues on, so i brake, hard, making this psycho bitch even more livid, which in turn makes me more happy. This carries on for a while and when i find myself at the point where i am actually looking for something in my car to throw back at her car to smash this woman's windscreen, i breath and see my own anger and just pull away leaving this utter idiot in my rear view mirror, because I could see myself pulling a cop move ( where the police hit the suspects car on the hind bumper sending it in a spin, stopping the car) pulling up next to her and beating her up severely.

This is not all folks.

I drop off my friend and head on to my work. I get to a 4 way intersection standing behind a truck at the traffic light, waiting to go left. When the traffic light turns green, the truck also turns left but takes time cause its a big truck heading into a single lane road so I wait, patiently, then ANOTHER woman coming from my opposite direction just go in front of me so she is behind the truck, but according to the rules of the road, I have right of way and the bitch should wait her turn, so obviously i am instantly seriously pissed off and raging so I get right up her ass and I lean on my hooter as if I am leading a parade. She does not hear me because she has her earphones in , or probably just ignoring me, but i keep hooting at this woman expressing my utter rage. Shortly after that I pass her giving her my deathly look and swearing worse than any sailor ever could.

I have been an many, many road rage incidents, I have road rage, and I admit it. I drive 180 kilometres per day, everyday, so ii am due some crazy moments on the road. And with so many idiots and psycho bitches out there, there is no way avoiding it.

I luckily always get myself together before I actually get our of my car and beat the shit out of someone, or cause and damage, so I think I'm still fine. To me it is a daily thing and I think in a way it is my stress reliever because I get to scream and swear and get all shit out.

I have been told many time it is a bad thing, like a bad habit then i just get myself thinking of The Offspring song, bad habit , as lyrics follow:

"Bad Habit"

Hey man you know I'm really okay
The gun in my hand will tell you the same
But when I'm in my car
Don't give me no crap
Cause the slightest thing and I just might snap

When I go driving I stay in my lane
But getting cut off it makes me insane
I open the glove box
Reach inside
I'm gonna wreck this fucker's ride

Cause I got a bad habit
Of blowin' away (Yeah, Yeah)
I got a bad habit (Yeah, Yeah)
And it ain't goin' away (Yeah, Yeah)
Yeah (Yeah, Yeah)
Yeah (Yeah, Yeah)

Well they say the road is a dangerous place
If you flip me off I'll get in your face
If you drive on my ass
Your foot's on the gas
And your next breath is your last


Drivers are rude
Such attitudes
But when I show my peace
Complaints cease
Somethings odd
I feel like I'm god
You stupid dumbshit goddam motherfucker!

I open the glove box
Reach inside
I'm gonna wreck this fucker's ride

Thinking it is very true, and i do feel exactly they way expressed in the song. Please understand I am a small chick, so so many people have just laughed at me when i explain to them how i can get when getting pissed off in my car, they can only imagine this small chick screaming her face off at some random person for failing at the simple task of driving.

So a implore, don't be a dick, if you know for a fact you are a shitty driver, stay the fuck off the roads and make more space for the better drivers out there.

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