Monday 10 March 2014

Welcome Rockers!!

Welcome one and all to the world of Keep Rocking Radio.

Firstly I will tell the story of Keep Rocking Radio and how we started.

It all came to mind when I (Louise Pretorius) got totally irritated with the fact that i could not listen to rock and metal as a radio station in South Africa. We have loads of variety when it comes to radio in S.A but alas no rock and metal stations.Which is basically because our country is way to stuck up and "scared" of the Rock and Metal scene.

Don't get me wrong S.A has a heap load of rockers and metal heads that fill the streets and everyday society and many of them have found ways to blend into the woodwork and follow along as life goes.

As a metal head i have been discriminated against all my life, and been questioned and pushed aside as the "odd one out" as i know many and many others have as well. But I have decided to take a stand and work my ass off to at least try to make a dent in the rock and metal scene in South Africa. If by the time I get Keep Rocking Radio to where I see it going, i can get in my car and listen to rock and metal on a FM radio station anywhere in South Africa, I will be able to die happy...

In the last few year the openness to rock en metal in South Africa has improved and grown but still we are looked down upon, in my opinion...

There are other online rock streams in S.A that I am aware of, but only 2...and now 3 since we started KRR. Our main goal is to get the rock and metal you would like to hear directly to you. All types of rock 'n roll through to heavy metal...We want to be able to have the biggest variety you can find in S.A.

It has only been almost 2 months since we started and it feels like I have been doing this my whole life! The process of being the CEO of KRR has consumed my life, but truly in a good way, i have made many cyber friends and faithful fans on Google+ and until this moment have reached 1741 +1's on Google+ and we are slowly growing on Facebook and Twitter and we hope to keep growing as fast as we are now for as long as we can.

I would like to thank all our Fans and listeners all over the world for the support.

Louise Pretorius.

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