Monday 17 March 2014

Ranting about our weekend.

This weekend was car races at The Midvaal Raceway, My boyfriend works for Ford and they sponsored a car for the races. So we got free entrance and food and drinks for the day, cause these thing are a full day event.

We got to the Raceway with my boyfriends brother and his wife, and as it's close to Marissa's (PRO of KRR) house, i called her up to come and join us for the day.

So the proceedings of the day was basically sitting around drinking Vodka and checking the races talking a whole bunch of crap about the drivers who spin out and the cars that look messed up... We took a walk around the place as there are also stalls where people sell random shit, so we bought some awesome bracelets from this cool Rastafarian lady...Rastafarian's are real chill... While buying these bracelets I was running in circles cause there were bee's everywhere and they were trying to get into my glass of Vodka and Lemon Twist, and I'm allergic to bee's so i was freaking out. Which if i think of it now must have looked pretty crazy...random chick freaking out, making weird panicky noises while running in circles, real normal right?

As i drinks were in the car, we kept moving from our seats to the car to get more drinks, and these bunch of weird-ass hippies (please don't get me wrong, i love hippies and believe they are amazing people, but these were the bad type that sit there getting high and drunk and make shit) were chilling on the grass close to my car, and when my boyfriend and the men were around these idiots would say nothing, but as soon as they leave the guys would start flirting and talking to us, which in the first place truly pisses me off cause these bitches could clearly see we were there with our men. But after taking it all day from these douches and not giving them any attention or feedback on there idiotic remarks, we were getting ready to leave, Marissa and I walked to her car and decided we would do a "Rocking entrance" on our way back to my car so these idiots could see we are not just a bunch of pretty faces, we have some true bad-assness behind it all. So we jumped in her car, got the first "loud" song we could find, which happened to be Limp Bizkit (The Metal Gods did not bless us with something meaner like Slipknot at that moment) but we decided it was good enough for the current mission. We came baring down , pumping Limp Bizkit as loud as we could , getting everyone around who was still sober enough to hear's attention. We stopped at my car, still jamming real load and pretended those bitches weren't there.

These guys are idiots and probably brain damaged from all the substances they take. Hitting constantly on girls who are taken and do not show you any attention back, is weak...We see you as a loser and we don't think you are making an point at all going at it all day, you are pathetic and weak. Or well that is how I see the whole thing...

Louise Pretorius.

Monday 10 March 2014

Welcome Rockers!!

Welcome one and all to the world of Keep Rocking Radio.

Firstly I will tell the story of Keep Rocking Radio and how we started.

It all came to mind when I (Louise Pretorius) got totally irritated with the fact that i could not listen to rock and metal as a radio station in South Africa. We have loads of variety when it comes to radio in S.A but alas no rock and metal stations.Which is basically because our country is way to stuck up and "scared" of the Rock and Metal scene.

Don't get me wrong S.A has a heap load of rockers and metal heads that fill the streets and everyday society and many of them have found ways to blend into the woodwork and follow along as life goes.

As a metal head i have been discriminated against all my life, and been questioned and pushed aside as the "odd one out" as i know many and many others have as well. But I have decided to take a stand and work my ass off to at least try to make a dent in the rock and metal scene in South Africa. If by the time I get Keep Rocking Radio to where I see it going, i can get in my car and listen to rock and metal on a FM radio station anywhere in South Africa, I will be able to die happy...

In the last few year the openness to rock en metal in South Africa has improved and grown but still we are looked down upon, in my opinion...

There are other online rock streams in S.A that I am aware of, but only 2...and now 3 since we started KRR. Our main goal is to get the rock and metal you would like to hear directly to you. All types of rock 'n roll through to heavy metal...We want to be able to have the biggest variety you can find in S.A.

It has only been almost 2 months since we started and it feels like I have been doing this my whole life! The process of being the CEO of KRR has consumed my life, but truly in a good way, i have made many cyber friends and faithful fans on Google+ and until this moment have reached 1741 +1's on Google+ and we are slowly growing on Facebook and Twitter and we hope to keep growing as fast as we are now for as long as we can.

I would like to thank all our Fans and listeners all over the world for the support.

Louise Pretorius.